Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Share and Voice: The Cove

(Image Courtesy of TakePart.com)

I decided for this Share & Voice to let you all know about this documentary I watched recently. The Cove is a documentary released last year (2009) that exposes the exploitation and brutal killing of dolphins and porpoises in Taiji ,Japan. The meat from these animals, which contains high amounts of mercury is then sold as food (often disguised as another food product) throughout Asia.

This film has raised a great deal of awareness since it was released in 2009. There was a temporary ban of dolphin hunting off the coast of Taiji and residents of Taiji have been tested for mercury. This film was also shown in Japan where this hunting takes place. I don't want to give away too much of the movie here, but I highly recommend it if you're interested in learning about these issues. 

Feel free to check out The Cove Movie website before you see the movie. Also, if you do decide to watch the movie and want to learn more about how you can help, this site provides a page that gives you more details about what you can do


  1. I've heard of this before. It's sad to think of those poor dolphins, but it's even worse to think that they are selling food with mercury in it! How do they get away with that?

  2. I actually watched this movie this summer (thank you OnDemand for helping me avoid physiology) anyways, a GREAT MOVIE! I was SO outraged at the horrible maltreatment of dolphins! Incredible how they're trying to cover so much up! Nice pick!

  3. I heard about this too and really want to see it. Thanks for sparking my interest in it again. I think I might rent it this week!

  4. This sounds really interesting, I might use this as a way to avoid some school work this week/weekend.

  5. I have never heard of this before. I wonder if I can get in on my NetFlix account? Hmmm... I love watching shows such as Whale Wars so this sounds like a great fit for me.
