Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: Weekly Update

This week marks the third week of my attempts to meet my SMART goal. I've decided to make a slight change to this goal based on my recent progress or lack thereof.

The goal: that I will eat/drink no more than 1 serving (2 oz cheese, 1 cup milk, 1 yogurt, etc) of dairy once a week.

The new and improved goal: I will eat/drink no more than 1 serving (2 oz cheese, 1 cup milk, 1 yogurt, etc) of dairy TWICE a week.

I think this will be much more manageable for me in my efforts to cut dairy out of my diet. Despite my no dairy jar (which accumulated about seven dollars ) I still had trouble cutting cheese out of my diet. I think this was so difficult for me, partly because I felt bad turning down foods offered to me by other people. Also, it requires a bit of advanced planning to avoid diary completely, and last week was a very busy week so when I grabbed food on the go, I didn't give much thought to whether or not dairy was an ingredient.

I think these next weeks will be much better now that I've allowed myself to include 2 servings of dairy each week instead of just one. I feel much more relaxed and capable already. I still plan on using the no-dairy jar (it's helping me save money !).


  1. I think that your little change will help you to achieve your goal. Way to be REALISTIC! Eventually you can probably cut it back down to once a week. Good luck over the weekend!

  2. I think twice a week is much more realistic. It is so hard to find products without some sort of dairy products especially when you are on the run. Foods that are fast and convinient usually contain some sort of dairy product. Good luck to you during the holidays! With a little help from your family and friends you should do just fine! :)

  3. I'm glad you made your goal more realistic for your lifestyle. I can see how hard it was especially when you are grabbing food on the go. Keep up the good work!
