Thursday, December 2, 2010

Share and voice: Peace Coffee

For this share and voice, I thought share a bit about Peace Coffee which I mentioned in class during the presentation of my photo essay.

Like I mentioned in class, peace coffee is pretty cool AND environmentally friendly. They have a variety of coffee and all of it is certified fair trade and organic. They are also a local company based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I think it's pretty cool that we serve this coffee here at the UMD coffee shop. It's an easy way to reduce your environmental impact, just by buying Peace Coffee!


  1. I think that is really cool UMD uses this brand of coffee. It is great for the environment and locally grown...double plus. Their website is very interesting. I read a little on how they grow the beans. I respect this company because like they stated, in order to raise the coffee beans organically it takes a lot of extra time. At least there are some people out there willing to go an extra mile for the environment.

  2. Yay for Peace Coffee! I loved this part of your photo essay because I was unaware that the UMD coffee store used this. I love that they have a passion for harvesting good coffee while being environmentally friendly at the same time!

  3. Go Peace Coffee! Switching to fair trade coffee is such an easy thing to do that can make a big difference! When I was in Guatemala I had the opportunity to help local people dry coffee beans. It's very hard work and just one of the many steps in the coffee making process. Fair trade is better for the workers and the environment! Rock on Peace Coffee!

  4. Very cool concept. It's really cool that this coffee is not only eco-friendly but it's local as well. I will have to check this coffee out at the coffee shop on campus. Thanks for the information. Nice post.
