Sunday, December 12, 2010

Share and Voice: Real vs. Fake Christmas Trees

Photo Courtesy of

I know I’ve done a lot of holiday-related posts lately but I guess I’m just really excited for break! Anyway, it occurred to me that it could be interesting to look into the eco-friendliness of Christmas trees (real vs. fake). I found this cool blog on the Chicago Tribune website called Julie's Health Club where she posted about Christmas Trees: Real vs. Artificial vs. Eco-Friendly. This post discusses different types of Christmas trees and the pros and cons of each. As it turns out, artificial Christmas trees leave a pretty big carbon footprint, as I’m sure many of us assumed. This article offers tips for making an environmentally friendly christmas tree purchase or choosing environmentally friendly alternatives. Check it out, see what you think!


  1. That was a very interesting website! Before reading this article I assumed fake trees are not better than real trees. For me, if I am going to buy and decorate a tree it is going to be real. I love the smell of the pine in the trees. It makes me happy that my real tree does not leave a huge carbon footprint like the fake one.

  2. Oh wow. That was a good website! Someone in my other blog group had mention something about this topic too. I think that both trees are good and bad in their own way. Why do we need a christmas tree anyways? I'm just kidding. I love Christmas trees but I think I'm going to stick with the Artificial tree because then I can just buy one and reuse it forever!!!

  3. That was a great article. I was actually thinking about this issue last week. The whole "deforestation' argument seemed so silly. It's not like your going into a forest and killing everything, we get ours at a tree farm where you can go cut your own. As soon as the seasons done they plant a ton more. It seems wasteful though, I would love to just decorate a tree in the yard or something.

  4. Wow, I just always assumed that artificial trees were better because you weren't cutting down trees. After reading more, it was clear that this isn't the case necessarily. It was nice to hear another side to this issue and it provides useful information for those of us who will become home owners in the next few years (maybe).
